Services & Amenities

Services & Amenities
Male, female and accessible amenities are located at both ends of the centre, near Australia Post and behind the Food Court for able and disabled customers.
Parent’s Room
Southgate’s Parent Room facility is located behind the food court and has been awarded a coveted Baby Care Room Award by the Breastfeeding Association. The five star award was achieved for additional features including Pink nappy disposal system, filtered drinking water, microwave, separate children’s toilets, private feeding rooms and air conditioning.
Banks & ATMs
Bank branches for ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, IMB Banking & Financial Services, St George Bank and Westpac Bank are all conveniently located within the centre. Southgate is also serviced by ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, IMB, Rediteller, St George Bank and Westpac Bank ATMs.
Post Office
Australia Post is conveniently located near the front entrance to Southgate, offering full postal services and private post boxes.
JP Services
Each Wednesday from 9am to 12noon there is a JP Service located at the front entrance at Southgate. During the holiday festive season hours may alter. Please see here for hours.
Dry Cleaning
Sapphire Dry Cleaning offers complete dry cleaning services with specialty dry cleaning for all your precious garments. See store directory for contact details.
Wheelchair Hire
Southgate has wheelchairs available for your use via the Centre Management Office. These are free to hire and all that is required is a photo identification to be provided whilst using the chairs. To book a wheelchair, please visit Centre Management.
Community Notice Board
Southgate offers a Community Notice Board for anyone wanting to sell unwanted goods, provide information about local community services or general community information. To post notices, we ask for a donation of a gold coin (for notices up to A4 size) or $5 (for A4 size notices). All donations are given to charity. Notices are to be provided to Southgate Centre Management (typed up to A4 in size) and will be displayed for up to 2 weeks, dependent on demand for space. After display, notices are destroyed unless customers require their return. Southgate Management reserves the right to refuse any notices deemed unsuitable for display.
Sylvania Library
A unique feature of Southgate is the inclusion of Sylvania Library, offering a great range of services. Located at the centre’s Front Entrance, via stairs next to Pavement Cafe. Pram and wheelchair access are also available from the lower carpark using the lift. Please refer to our Trading Hours for Sylvania Library opening times or click here for more information.
Free Wi-Fi
To join our Free Wi-Fi service, simply follow these steps:
- Ensure your wireless enabled laptop or smart phone is turned on and has the wireless signal activated.
- Go to Available Wireless Network Collection List or your Wi-Fi settings.
- Select ‘#Free WiFi – Southgate’ from the Wi-Fi list. You may need to select ‘connect’.
- Southgate’s Free Wi-Fi landing page will appear, where you can connect via email login or Facebook.
- Login, and you’re all set!
By connecting to Southgate’s Free Wi-Fi, you agree to the terms and conditions and Southgate Privacy Policy. These can be viewed on the landing page upon connecting. If you are having issues connecting to Southgate’s Free Wi-Fi service, please contact Centre Management.